It's Been A Long, Long Time... But Hasn't It Been Worth It?
Senior Year, full of firsts and lasts, goodbyes and hellos... and all the stuff you'd least expect, yet love the most:
Juggling Zoo Performers, Black Tie-Guy and Mr. Suspenders, Art Concentration for a second go around, new best friends, Selena arrives, Shampoodle, Extinction Agency, Huck-o-dactyl, Cat-Trevor, fishtail braids, senior photos, MPACT, farewell to Scatman, The Dead Puppies Song, saw my first school fight, Like Flowers In Your Hair, discovery of Free On iTunes, New Girl, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Charlieissocoollike, British accents, Psych!, Chia For You!, Wolverine claws on three 1 2 3 Shink!, Yes and..., Poke Wars on FB, Winter Retreat 2012, wall building, Do you think you can Unicorn?, 63% Addicted to Facebook, Star Wars 3D, Chuck and De'andre, toasters and marshmallows for Kayla, oreo milkshakes, the retelling of old stories, Rhett and Link, GMM: Good Mythical Morning, Ephrata Badger, finally saw all 6 Star Wars, Kirk Cameron, "I'd rather eat Randy", Thor the lightning cat, Cool. Cool cool cool, flannel shirt-guy, I'm A One Girl Revolution, satirical essays, started this blog, admitted to Millersville, Deedra "proposed", I said yes ;D , Little Women, The Lorax, Swagg, Pottermore, Senior Portfolio, Ephrata Art Show, 32 pieces in the art show, Trevor "Trevy" Dunn, Hanny Man Tangos, Jujube, Go Mounts!, Gumby, hiking in the rain, black-out during school, Julian Smith, Lady Godiva, Pactty, Dazzle New, The 90's Are All That, Lethologica, (nerds, decades, senior citizens, cartoons, cowboys and indians ohh my!) Senior Spirit Week, Call Me Maybe, Every 15 Minutes, Prom 2012, jimmies or jamals?, Obama impressions, business laughs, Taloned Tromdelos, finishing with flair, turned 18, Congrats!, graduated with a rainbow

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